Step 2 is the Glue that Keeps Us in Program

Step 2. states: “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”

Without the hope that we can recover from our disease, why would we go through this program and the major upheaval it causes in our lives and relationships? This step gives us our reason to go on when the going gets tough and when our disease tries to convince us that our old, comfortable ways aren’t so bad after all.

They say the further we are from our last binge, the closer we are to our next. So, no matter how much our disease tries to minimize our addiction, this step can be a constant, reassuring reminder that our old behavior was nothing short of insane and there is hope for recovery IF we relinquish control.

A Bridge Between Thought and Action

In Step 2, you turn from believing that it’s “my way or the highway” to letting go of the delusion that you can control anything. This is a huge shift in thinking. It is the bridge between Steps 1 and 3 and a thread that must run through working all of the steps to shore us up against the hard times. Continue reading

Principles of DA

In addition to the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, did you know that there are 12 principles of our program? These were developed by various members of Alcoholics Anonymous and provide a guidepost for practicing the opposite of your defects.
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